Janet McClelland MCSP

Member of Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Fully certified pilates teacher
Registered with hcpc

Pilates classes in the Stirling area

Dunblane Sports Club
9am – 10am
10am – 11am

Bridge of Allan Parish Church Hall
9:30am – 10:30am

Dunblane Sports Club
10am – 11am

Dunblane Cathedral Hall
5.45pm – 6.45pm

Physio Led Pilates

Janet will help you maintain and improve strength, balance and mobility. Improve posture and concentration and enjoy relaxation and mindfulness.

Falls Prevention

Our preventive care services identify and address issues before they become major problems.

Pain Management

Experience relief from chronic pain with our holistic pain management services.

Sports Injuries

Janet creates personalised rehab programs to enhance mobility and promote healing.

Private physiotherapy and pilates sessions

Private one-on-one sessions can be arranged in our private studio with access to varied equipment. Janet will also provide personalised videos to help with home exercise practice.

Specialised Experience in Physiotherapy and Pilates

25+ years of physiotherapy and pilates experience

Patient-Centered Approach to Rehabilitation

Personalised care and comprehensive treatment plans for optimal recovery.

Modified Pilates

Engage deep core muscles to stabilise the spine and pelvis to allow free movement of limbs.

Commitment to Continuous Learning and Innovation

Janet stays at the forefront, constantly learning and innovating for her clients.

Embark on Your Journey to Fitness: Take the First Step

Don’t let pain or injury hold you back. Take the first step towards a healthier, stronger, and pain-free life. Maintain and improve function and mobility.

  • Specialised Experience in physiotherapy led pilates
  • Patient-Centered Approach
  • Active Involvement in the Physiotherapy Community
  • Commitment to Continuous Learning and Innovation
  • Clients attending classes include office and home workers, sports people, gardeners and people with mental health issues

Janet, a dedicated pilates teacher and physiotherapist in Stirling, has 25+ years of experience.

Get in Touch with Janet

49 Crum Crescent

Stirling, FK7 0EX

07854 505855
